Potency determines a man's ability to have sexual intercourse and procreate. However, any system of the human body can fail, and the reproductive system is no exception. Violation of potency becomes a serious emotional shock and a source of complexes for a sexually mature guy. But any difficulties can be overcome, it is enough to know what affects the potency and what the potency of men depends on.
Violation of potency is not absolute impotence. Impotence is the absence of an erection, sexual desire and ejaculation. Even if the doctor made such a diagnosis (in other words, erectile dysfunction), this is not a reason to put an end to yourself and take it as a sentence: everything is curable. And if we are talking about periodic failures, then it is easy to deal with this even on your own.
Causes of "male" problems
Sexual desire arises on a psychological (libido) and physical (erection) level. What can cause dysfunction:
- Libido is what is called passion, lust, desire. Every healthy person has it. Sexual desire may be absent due to nervous tension. The second reason is low testosterone levels in the blood. How stress and testosterone affect libido is described in more detail below.
- An erection is an increase in volume, hardening of the penis before direct sexual intercourse. If there is an erotic desire, but there is no erection, you need to urgently consult a doctor: most likely, the body suffers from atherosclerosis of the vessels or inflammation of the urinary organs. Erection may be absent due to drug or alcohol intoxication.
All of the above is just the tip of the iceberg. Violations of potency in men can occur for a number of reasons.

Overweight and potency
Excess weight is generally harmful to the human body: obese people often have problems with the heart, stomach, and musculoskeletal system. Does excess weight affect potency? Excess weight is not just bad for libido - it is detrimental to health in principle.
Overweight is most often accompanied by malnutrition. The body of a man receives and stores fats, but needs vitamins. This leads to atherosclerosis - the accumulation of cholesterol and fats on the inner walls of blood vessels. Clogged including the arteries that deliver blood to the penis. As a result - lack of erection in fat men. Obesity and potency are incompatible.
Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your diet and eat less sweet, salty, fatty and spicy. The more vitamins a person consumes (and most of them are in vegetables and fruits), the higher the "male power".
Physical activity also has a beneficial effect on male strength. It is not necessary to go in for sports until you lose your pulse - you just need to move more, for example, walk up the stairs, occasionally ride a bike and, of course, remember that obesity and potency are not friends with each other.
Peace, only peace! potency and stress
Problems at work or school, family troubles also lead to a violation of potency. And sometimes you have to work late on weekends! Unfortunately, there is an inverse relationship between stress and sexual abilities: the more nerves, the weaker the potency in men.

Coming home from work, a man brings with him fatigue, irritation and a feeling of weakness. For the whole day, so much energy was spent that there is no strength or desire left for sex. Considering himself unable to satisfy a woman, a man feels inferior, and this is an additional stress load. As a result, sex life is either absent or becomes just another job.
The impact of stress on potency is enormous. How to deal with it? After a working day, you should take some time for yourself - meditate, listen to your favorite music, relax in the bath, go to yoga, or simply devote a couple of hours to sleep. If this does not help, then you should definitely go to the doctor. Prolonged stress can lead to long-term depression, and it is more difficult to cure.
Testosterone is the key to male power
Testosterone is a male hormone that is responsible for male sexual function. The more testosterone in the blood, the higher the sexual activity.
Knowing how testosterone affects potency is very important, because the sexual capabilities and needs of the male body depend on this hormone. It must be protected, because it is able to mutate into the female hormone estrogen, and then it will be difficult to correct the situation without a doctor and proper drugs.
Testosterone and nutrition are intertwined. Testosterone destroyers are found in the daily diet of many people. To themrelate:
- Sugar (especially be aware of hidden sugars, which are abundant in sodas and some drinks).
- Milk with a high fat content (it contains bovine estrogen).
- Smoked products (they contain smoke liquid, which acts on the glands of the testicles, and they are responsible for the production of 95% of the hormone).
- White bread, pastries (sugar, yeast destroy testosterone).
The effect of testosterone on potency is great, but this can be avoided if you maintain the required level of the hormone in the body and refuse harmful products.
Male potency and smoking, alcohol, drugs
Nothing affects a man's potency as much as smoking, alcohol and drugs. These are poisons that corrode every human organ, burning them day after day.
Alcoholic drinks destroy the liver, and the production of testosterone depends on the liver.

Erotic arousal depends on the blood supply. And smoking just leads to a narrowing of blood vessels, capillaries. To this we can add the fact that smoking can cause infertility and the development of serious diseases.
They have the most destructive effect on the human body. Drugs reduce testosterone levels, slowly destroy the entire nervous system. A person who uses drugs, in the end, generally loses interest in sex, because he has another source of pleasure, and libido recedes into the background. Drug addicts are always accompanied by diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis, HIV.
It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of what potency depends on. But the greater the harm to the body as a whole, the worse the ability to have sexual intercourse.

Other causes of potency disorders
Libido can be affected by chronic diseases. Among them are coronary heart disease, endocrine disorders, arterial hypertension, adenoma. Some drugs can also affect physical attraction to the opposite sex. You should pay attention to the instructions for medications that are indicated for regular use - it is quite possible that among the side effects there is a lack of sexual activity. If this is not the problem, you need to seek advice from a specialist.
Potency depends on many factors. Smoking, alcohol, drugs, overweight and stress are things that should not be in life. But a healthy diet and physical activity are faithful companions that will make all the pleasures available and provide a good mood.
No need to rush to the pharmacy for drugs that will improve sexual activity. Violation of potency does not always require medical treatment: you need to understand the cause of failures and get rid of it. If you can't figure it out on your own, it's time to see a doctor.